
Structural information and communication complexity. 25th international colloquium, SIROCCO 2018, Ma’ale HaHamisha, Israel, June 18–21, 2018. Revised selected papers. (English) Zbl 1400.68027

Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11085. Cham: Springer (ISBN 978-3-030-01324-0/pbk; 978-3-030-01325-7/ebook). xix, 410 p. (2018).

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The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually. For the preceding colloquium see [Zbl 1381.68003].
Indexed articles:
Bar-Noy, Amotz; Choudhary, Keerti; Peleg, David; Rawitz, Dror, Realizability of graph specifications: characterizations and algorithms, 3-13 [Zbl 1517.68271]
Cohen, Johanne; Manoussakis, George; Pilard, Laurence; Sohier, Devan, A self-stabilizing algorithm for maximal matching in link-register model, 14-19 [Zbl 1517.68409]
Durand, Anaïs; Kutten, Shay, Message-efficient self-stabilizing transformer using snap-stabilizing quiescence detection, 20-24 [Zbl 1517.68413]
Sudo, Yuichi; Datta, Ajoy K.; Larmore, Lawrence L.; Masuzawa, Toshimitsu, Constant-space self-stabilizing token distribution in trees, 25-29 [Zbl 1517.68414]
Demianiuk, Vitalii; Gorinsky, Sergey; Nikolenko, Sergey; Kogan, Kirill, Distributed counting along lossy paths without feedback, 30-33 [Zbl 1517.68410]
Michail, Othon; Spirakis, Paul G.; Theofilatos, Michail, Brief announcement: Fast approximate counting and leader election in populations, 38-42 [Zbl 1517.68049]
Bank, Dor; Sulamy, Moshe; Waserman, Eyal, Reaching distributed equilibrium with limited ID space, 48-51 [Zbl 1517.68039]
Choudhury, Ashish; Garimella, Gayathri; Patra, Arpita; Ravi, Divya; Sarkar, Pratik, Crash-tolerant consensus in directed graph revisited (extended abstract), 55-71 [Zbl 1517.68040]
Turau, Volker, A distributed algorithm for finding Hamiltonian cycles in random graphs in \(O(\log n)\) time, 72-87 [Zbl 1464.68298]
Boppana, Ravi B.; Halldórsson, Magnús M.; Rawitz, Dror, Simple and local independent set approximation, 88-101 [Zbl 1517.68279]
Schmid, Ulrich; Schwarz, Manfred; Winkler, Kyrill, On the strongest message adversary for consensus in directed dynamic networks, 102-120 [Zbl 1517.68035]
Georgiou, Konstantinos; Griffiths, Jay; Yakubov, Yuval, Symmetric rendezvous with advice: how to rendezvous in a disk, 121-133 [Zbl 1517.68404]
Montealegre, Pedro; Perez-Salazar, Sebastian; Rapaport, Ivan; Todinca, Ioan, Two rounds are enough for reconstructing any graph (class) in the congested clique model, 134-148 [Zbl 1517.68303]
Shibata, Masahiro; Kakugawa, Hirotsugu; Masuzawa, Toshimitsu, Space-efficient uniform deployment of mobile agents in asynchronous unidirectional rings, 149-164 [Zbl 1436.68046]
Pelc, Andrzej, Explorable families of graphs, 165-177 [Zbl 1517.68307]
Delporte-Gallet, Carole; Fauconnier, Hugues; Rajsbaum, Sergio; Yanagisawa, Nayuta, A characterization of \(t\)-resilient colorless task anonymous solvability, 178-192 [Zbl 1517.68043]
Kuhn, Fabian; Maus, Yannic; Weidner, Simon, Deterministic distributed ruling sets of line graphs, 193-208 [Zbl 1517.68299]
Czyzowicz, Jurek; Diks, Krzysztof; Moussi, Jean; Rytter, Wojciech, Broadcast with energy-exchanging mobile agents distributed on a tree, 209-225 [Zbl 1517.68041]
Ben-Basat, Ran; Even, Guy; Kawarabayashi, Ken-ichi; Schwartzman, Gregory, A deterministic distributed 2-approximation for weighted vertex cover in \(O(\log N\log\varDelta/\log^2\log\varDelta)\) rounds, 226-236 [Zbl 1517.68275]
Bienkowski, Marcin; Kraska, Artur; Schmidt, Paweł, Online service with delay on a line, 237-248 [Zbl 1517.68420]
Navon, Tal; Peleg, David, Mixed fault tolerance in server assignment: combining reinforcement and backup, 249-263 [Zbl 1517.68063]
Jurdzinski, Tomasz; Lorys, Krzysztof; Nowicki, Krzysztof, Communication complexity in vertex partition whiteboard model, 264-279 [Zbl 1517.68137]
Cordasco, Gennaro; Gargano, Luisa; Peters, Joseph G.; Rescigno, Adele A.; Vaccaro, Ugo, Time-bounded influence diffusion with incentives, 280-295 [Zbl 1517.91174]
Mocquard, Yves; Sericola, Bruno; Anceaume, Emmanuelle, Balanced allocations and global clock in population protocols: an accurate analysis, 296-311 [Zbl 1517.68051]
Pfleger, Daniel; Schmid, Ulrich, On knowledge and communication complexity in distributed systems, 312-330 [Zbl 1517.68054]
Jurdziński, Tomasz; Nowicki, Krzysztof, Connectivity and minimum cut approximation in the broadcast congested clique, 331-344 [Zbl 1517.68297]
Tekken Valapil, Vidhya; Kulkarni, Sandeep, Biased clocks: a novel approach to improve the ability to perform predicate detection with \(O(1)\) clocks, 345-360 [Zbl 1517.68061]
Czyzowicz, Jurek; Killick, Ryan; Kranakis, Evangelos; Krizanc, Danny; Morale-Ponce, Oscar, Gathering in the plane of location-aware robots in the presence of spies, 361-376 [Zbl 1517.68393]
Chuprikov, Pavel; Davydow, Alex; Kogan, Kirill; Nikolenko, Sergey; Sirotkin, Alexander, Formalizing compute-aggregate problems in cloud computing, 377-391 [Zbl 1517.68036]
Czyzowicz, Jurek; Georgiou, Konstantinos; Killick, Ryan; Kranakis, Evangelos; Krizanc, Danny; Narayanan, Lata; Opatrny, Jaroslav; Shende, Sunil, Priority evacuation from a disk using mobile robots (extended abstract), 392-407 [Zbl 1436.68370]


68-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to computer science
68Mxx Computer system organization
68R10 Graph theory (including graph drawing) in computer science
00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest


Zbl 1381.68003
Full Text: DOI