
One-step implementation of a multi-target-qubit controlled phase gate in a multi-resonator circuit QED system. (English) Zbl 1398.81057

Summary: Circuit quantum electrodynamics system composed of many qubits and resonators may provide an excellent way to realize large-scale quantum information processing (QIP). Because of key role for large-scale QIP and quantum computation, multi-qubit gates have drawn intensive attention recently. Here, we present a one-step method to achieve a multi-target-qubit controlled phase gate in a multi-resonator system, which possesses a common control qubit and multiple different target qubits distributed in their respective resonators. Noteworthily, the implementation of this multi-qubit phase gate does not require classical pulses, and the gate operation time is independent of the number of qubits. Besides, the proposed scheme can in principle be adapted to a general type of qubits like natural atoms, quantum dots, and solid-state qubits (e.g., superconducting qubits and NV centers).


81P68 Quantum computation
81V10 Electromagnetic interaction; quantum electrodynamics
78A25 Electromagnetic theory (general)
94B70 Error probability in coding theory
94B65 Bounds on codes
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