
Evolution of coherence and non-classicality under global environmental interaction. (English) Zbl 1398.81024

Summary: A master equation has been constructed for a global system-bath interaction in the both absence and presence of non-Markovian noise. For the memoryless case, it has been exactly solved for a paradigmatic class of two qubit states in high- and zero-temperature thermal environment. For the non-Markovian model, it has been solved for zero-temperature bath. The evolution of quantum coherence and entanglement has been observed in the presence of the above-mentioned interactions. We show that the global part of the system-bath interaction compensates for the decoherence, resulting in slowdown of coherence and entanglement decay. For an appropriately defined limiting case, both coherence and entanglement show freezing behavior for the high-temperature bath. In case of zero-temperature bath, the mentioned interaction not only stabilizes the non-classical correlations, but also enhances them for a finite period. For the memory-dependent case, we have seen that the global interaction enhances the backflow of information from environment to the system, as it enhances the regeneration of coherence and entanglement. Also we have studied the generation of quantum Fisher information by the mentioned process. An intuitive measure of non-classicality based on non-commutativity of quantum states has been considered. Bounds on generated quantum Fisher information have been found in terms of quantumness and coherence. This gives us a novel understanding of quantum Fisher information as a measure of non-classicality.


81P40 Quantum coherence, entanglement, quantum correlations
81S22 Open systems, reduced dynamics, master equations, decoherence
81P45 Quantum information, communication, networks (quantum-theoretic aspects)
81P15 Quantum measurement theory, state operations, state preparations
81S25 Quantum stochastic calculus
94A17 Measures of information, entropy
81P05 General and philosophical questions in quantum theory
82B30 Statistical thermodynamics


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