
Space-efficient parallel algorithms for combinatorial search problems. (English) Zbl 1398.68497

Chatterjee, Krishnendu (ed.) et al., Mathematical foundations of computer science 2013. 38th international symposium, MFCS 2013, Klosterneuburg, Austria, August 26–30, 2013. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 978-3-642-40312-5/pbk). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8087, 717-728 (2013).
Summary: We present space-efficient parallel strategies for two fundamental combinatorial search problems, namely, backtrack search and branch-and-bound, both involving the visit of an \(n\)-node tree of height \(h\) under the assumption that a node can be accessed only through its father or its children. For both problems we propose efficient algorithms that run on a distributed-memory machine with \(p\) processors. For backtrack search, we give a deterministic algorithm running in \(O\left(\frac np + h\log p\right)\) time, and a Las Vegas algorithm requiring optimal \(O\left(\frac np + h\right)\) time, with high probability. Building on the backtrack search algorithm, we also derive a Las Vegas algorithm for branch-and-bound which runs in \(O\left((\frac np + h\log p \log n)h\log n\right)\) time, with high probability. A remarkable feature of our algorithms is the use of only constant space per processor, which constitutes a significant improvement upon previously known algorithms whose space requirements per processor depend on the (possibly huge) tree to be explored \((\Omega(h)\) for backtrack search and \(\Omega\left(\frac np \right)\) for branch-and-bound).
For the entire collection see [Zbl 1270.68020].


68T20 Problem solving in the context of artificial intelligence (heuristics, search strategies, etc.)
68W10 Parallel algorithms in computer science
68W20 Randomized algorithms
90C27 Combinatorial optimization
90C59 Approximation methods and heuristics in mathematical programming