
Lifshitz-like space-time from intersecting branes in string/M theory. (English) Zbl 1397.81233

Summary: We construct 1/4 BPS, threshold F-D\(p\) bound states (with \(0 \leq p\leq5\)) of type II string theories by applying S- and T-dualities to the D1-D5 system of type IIB string theory. These are different from the known 1/2 BPS, non-threshold F-D\(p\) bound states. The near horizon limits of these solutions yield Lifshitz-like space-times with varying dynamical critical exponent \(z=2(5-p)/(4-p)\), for \(p\neq4\), along with the hyperscaling violation exponent \(\theta=p-(p-2)/(4-p)\), showing how Lifshitz-like space-time can be obtained from string theory. The dilatons are in general non-constant (except for \(p= 1\)). We discuss the holographic RG flows and the phase structures of these solutions. For \(p=4\), we do not get a Lifshitz-like space-time, but the near horizon limit in this case leads to an \(\mathrm{AdS}_2\) space.


81T30 String and superstring theories; other extended objects (e.g., branes) in quantum field theory


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