
Determination of \(s\)- and \(p\)-wave \(I = 1/2\: K\pi\) scattering amplitudes in \(N_{\mathrm{f}} = 2 + 1\) lattice QCD. (English) Zbl 1391.81203

Summary: The elastic \(I = 1 / 2\), \(s\)- and \(p\)-wave kaon-pion scattering amplitudes are calculated using a single ensemble of anisotropic lattice QCD gauge field configurations with \(N_{\mathrm{f}} = 2 + 1\) flavors of dynamical Wilson-clover fermions at \(m_{\pi} = 230 \text{ MeV}\). A large spatial extent of \(L = 3.7 \text{ fm}\) enables a good energy resolution while partial wave mixing due to the reduced symmetries of the finite volume is treated explicitly. The \(p\)-wave amplitude is well described by a Breit-Wigner shape with parameters \(m_{K^\ast} / m_\pi = 3.808(18)\) and \(g_{K^{\ast} K \pi}^{\mathrm{BW}} = 5.33(20)\) which are insensitive to the inclusion of \(d\)-wave mixing and variation of the \(s\)-wave parametrization. An effective range description of the near-threshold \(s\)-wave amplitude yields \(m_{\pi} a_0 = - 0.353(25)\).


81V05 Strong interaction, including quantum chromodynamics
81T25 Quantum field theory on lattices
81T13 Yang-Mills and other gauge theories in quantum field theory
81U05 \(2\)-body potential quantum scattering theory


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