
Inflation, de Sitter landscape and super-Higgs effect. (English) Zbl 1388.83834

Summary: We continue developing cosmological models involving nilpotent chiral super-fields, which provide a simple unified description of inflation and the current acceleration of the universe in the supergravity context. We describe here a general class of models with a positive cosmological constant at the minimum of the potential, such that supersymmetry is spontaneously broken in the direction of the nilpotent superfield \(S\). In the unitary gauge, these models have a simple action where all highly non-linear fermionic terms of the classical Volkov-Akulov action disappear. We present masses for bosons and fermions in these theories. By a proper choice of parameters in this class of models, one can fit any possible set of the inflationary parameters \(n_{s}\) and \(r\), a broad range of values of the vacuum energy \(V_{0}\), which plays the role of the dark energy, and achieve a controllable level of supersymmetry breaking. This can be done without introducing light moduli, such as Polonyi fields, which often lead to cosmological problems in phenomenological supergravity.


83E50 Supergravity
83F05 Relativistic cosmology


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