
Mass deformations of 5d SCFTs via holography. (English) Zbl 1387.81318

Summary: Using six-dimensional Euclidean \(F(4)\) gauged supergravity we construct a holographic renormalization group flow for a CFT on \(S^5\). Numerical solutions to the BPS equations are obtained and the free energy of the theory on \(S^5\) is determined holographically by calculation of the renormalized on-shell supergravity action. In the process, we deal with subtle issues such as holographic renormalization and addition of finite counterterms. We then propose a candidate field theory dual to these solutions. This tentative dual is a supersymmetry-preserving deformation of the strongly-coupled non-Lagrangian SCFT derived from the D4-D8 system in string theory. In the IR, this theory is a mass deformation of a USp(2\(N\)) gauge theory. A localization calculation of the free energy is performed for this IR theory, which for reasonably small values of the deformation parameter is found to have the same qualitative behaviour as the holographic free energy.


81T40 Two-dimensional field theories, conformal field theories, etc. in quantum mechanics
81T60 Supersymmetric field theories in quantum mechanics
83E50 Supergravity


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