
Double-trace deformations of conformal correlations. (English) Zbl 1387.81315

Summary: Large \(N\) conformal field theories often admit unitary renormalization group flows triggered by double-trace deformations. We compute the change in scalar four-point functions under double-trace flow, to leading order in \(1/N\). This has a simple dual in AdS, where the flow is implemented by a change of boundary conditions, and provides a physical interpretation of single-valued conformal partial waves. We extract the change in the conformal dimensions and three-point coefficients of infinite families of double-trace composite operators. Some of these quantities are found to be sign-definite under double-trace flow. As an application, we derive anomalous dimensions of spinning double-trace operators comprised of non-singlet constituents in the \(O(N)\) vector model.


81T40 Two-dimensional field theories, conformal field theories, etc. in quantum mechanics


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