
Normal Sally modules of rank one. (English) Zbl 1386.13016

Let \(R\) be an analytically unramified Noetherian local ring with the maximal ideal \(\mathfrak{m}\) and \(d=\dim R>0\). Let \(I\) be an \(\mathfrak{m}\)-primary ideal of \(R\) and suppose that \(I\) contains a parameter ideal \(Q=(a_1, a_2, \dots, a_d)\) of \(R\) as a reduction. Let \(\ell(M)\) denote the length of an \(R\)-module \(M\) and \(\overline{I^{n+1}}\) denote the integral closure of \(I^{n+1}\) for each \(n\geq 0\). There are integers \(\{\overline{e_i}(I)\}_{0\leq i\leq d}\) such that the equality \[ \ell(R/{\overline{I^{n+1}}})=\sum_{i=0}^d(-1)^{i}\overline{e_i}(I){{n+d-i}\choose{d-i}}, \] holds true for all integers \(n\gg 0\), which is called the normal Hilbert coefficients of \(R\) with respect to \(I\). Let \(\{{e_i}(I)\}_{0\leq i\leq d}\) be the ordinary Hilbert coefficients of \(R\) with respect to \(I\). Let \(\mathcal{R}=R[It]\) and \(T=R[Qt]\) be the Rees algebra of \(I\) and \(Q\), respectively. Let \(\overline{\mathcal{R}}\) and \(\overline{\mathcal{G}}\) denote the integral closure of \(\mathcal{R}\) and the associated graded ring of the normal filtration \(\{\overline{I^n}\}_{n\in\mathbb{Z}}\), respectively. The author defines the normal Sally modules \(\overline{S}=\overline{S}_Q(I)\) of \(I\) with respect to a minimal reduction \(Q\) and also she considers the following four conditions:
\((C_0)\) The sequence \(a_1, a_2, \dots, a_d\) is a \(d\)-sequence in \(R\).
\((C_1)\) The sequence \(a_1, a_2, \dots, a_d\) is a \(d^{+}\)-sequence in \(R\), that is for all integers \(n_1, n_2, \dots, n_d\geq 1\) the sequence \(a_1^{n_1}, a_2^{n_2}, \dots, a_d^{n_d}\) forms a \(d\)-sequence in any order.
\((C_2)\) \((a_1,a_2,\dots,\breve{a_1}, \dots, a_d):_R a_i\subseteq I\) for all \(1\leq i\leq d\).
\((C_3)\) \(\mathrm{depth} R>0\) and \(\mathrm{depth} R>1\) if \(d\geq 2\). The main result of this paper is as follows:
{Theorem 1.1.} Let \(R\) be a Nagata and reduced local ring with the maximal ideal \({\mathfrak{m}}\) and \(d=\dim R>0\). Let \(I\) be an \(\mathfrak{m}\)-primary ideal of \(R\) and suppose that \(I\) contains a parameter ideal \(Q\) of \(R\) as a reduction. Assume that conditions \((C_1), (C_2),\) and \((C_3)\) are satisfied. Then the following are equivalent to each other.
(1) \(\overline{e_1}(I)=e_0(I)+e_1(Q)-\ell(R/{\overline{I}})+1\).
(2) \({\mathfrak{m}}{\overline{S}}=(0)\) and \(\mathrm{rank}_B(\overline{S})=1\), where \(B=T/{\mathfrak{m}}T\).
(3) \(\overline{S}\cong B(-q)\) as graded \(T\)-modules for some integer \(q\geq 1\).
When this is the case
(a) \(\overline{S}\) is a Cohen-Macaulay \(T\)-module.
(b) Put \(t=\mathrm{depth} R\). Then \(\mathrm{depth}\overline{\mathcal{G}}\geq d-1\) when \(t\geq d-1\) and \(\mathrm{depth}\overline{\mathcal{G}}\geq t\) when \(t\leq d-2\).
(c) For all \(n\geq 0\), \(\ell(R/{\overline{I^{n+1}}})=e_0(I){{n+d}\choose{d}}-\{e_0(I)+e_1(Q)-\ell(R/\overline{I})\}{{n+d-1}\choose{d-1}}+ \sum_{i=2}^d(-1)^i\{e_{i-1}(Q)+e_i(Q)\}{{n+d-i}\choose{d-i}}\) if \(n\leq q-1\), and \(\ell(R/{\overline{I^{n+1}}})=e_0(I){{n+d}\choose{d}}-\{e_0(I)+e_1(Q)-\ell(R/\overline{I})+1\}{{n+d-1}\choose{d-1}}+ \sum_{i=2}^d(-1)^i\{e_{i-1}(Q)+e_i(Q)+{{q}\choose{i-1}}\}{{n+d-i}\choose{d-i}}\) if \(n\geq q\). Hence \(\overline{e_i} (I)=e_{i-1}(Q)+e_i(Q)+{{q}\choose{i-1}}\) for all \(2\leq i\leq d\).
As an application of Theorem 1.2, she proves the following result:
{Theorem 1.2.} Let \(R\) be a analytically unramified Cohen-Macaulay local ring with the maximal ideal \({\mathfrak{m}}\), dimension \(d=\dim R > 0\), and \(I\) an \({\mathfrak{m}}\)-primary ideal of \(R\) containing a parameter ideal \(Q\) of \(R\) as a reduction. Assume that \(\overline{e_1}(I)=e_0(I)-\ell(R/\overline{I})+1\). Then the following assertions hold true.
(1) \(\mathrm{depth}\overline{\mathcal{G}}\geq d-1\).
(2) If \(d\geq 3\) and \(\overline{e_3}(I)=0\), then \(\overline{\mathcal{G}}\) is Cohen-Macaulay, \(\overline{e_2}(I)=1\), and the normal filtration has reduction number two.


13A30 Associated graded rings of ideals (Rees ring, form ring), analytic spread and related topics
13B22 Integral closure of commutative rings and ideals
13D40 Hilbert-Samuel and Hilbert-Kunz functions; Poincaré series
13E05 Commutative Noetherian rings and modules


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