
Exascale scientific applications: scalability and performance portability. (English) Zbl 1386.00064

Chapman & Hall/CRC Computational Science Series. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press (ISBN 978-1-138-19754-1/hbk; 978-1-351-99924-3/ebook). xxv, 567 p. (2018).

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The articles of mathematical interest will be reviewed individually.
Indexed articles:
Lyakh, Dmitry I.; Joubert, Wayne, Exascale challenges in numerical linear and multilinear algebras, 51-94 [Zbl 1396.65006]
Papatheodore, Thomas; Messer, O. E. Bronson, Exposing hierarchical parallelism in the FLASH code for supernova simulation on summit and other architectures, 95-118 [Zbl 1395.85002]
Acun, Bilge; Buch, Ronak; Kale, Laxmikant; Phillips, James C., NAMD: scalable molecular dynamics based on the charm++ parallel runtime system, 119-143 [Zbl 1395.92003]
Nieuwpoort, Wim; Broer, Ria, Developments in computer architecture and the birth and growth of computational chemistry, 145-149 [Zbl 1395.81005]
Byrd, Jason; Bartlett, Rodney; Sanders, Beverly A., On preparing the super instruction architecture and ACES4 for future computer systems, 151-169 [Zbl 1395.81007]
Bylaska, Eric L.; Aprà, Edoardo; Kowalski, Karol; Jacquelin, Mathias; de Jong, Wibe A.; Vishnu, Abhinav; Palmer, Bruce; Daily, Jeff; Straatsma, Tjerk P.; Hammond, Jeff R.; Klemm, Michael, Transitioning NWChem to the next generation of Manycore machines, 165-206 [Zbl 1395.92004]
Norman, Matthew R.; Mametjanov, Azamat; Taylor, Mark, Exascale programming approaches for accelerated climate modeling for energy, 187-206 [Zbl 1395.86002]
Dennis, John M.; Kerr, Christopher; Baker, Allison H.; Dobbins, Brian; Paul, Kevin; Mills, Richard; Mickelson, Sheri; Kim, Youngsung; Kumar, Raghu, Preparing the community Earth system model of exascale computing, 207-230 [Zbl 1395.86001]
Oefelein, Joseph C.; Sankaran, Ramanan, Large Eddy simulation of reacting flow physics and combustion, 231-255 [Zbl 1395.76033]
Treichler, Sean; Bauer, Michael; Bhagatwala, Ankit; Borghesi, Giulio; Sankaran, Ramanan; Kolla, Hemanth; McCormick, Patrick S.; Slaughter, Elliott; Lee, Wonchan; Aiken, Alex; Chen, Jacqueline, S3D Legion. An exascale software for direct numerical simulation of turbulent combustion with complex multicomponent chemistry, 257-278 [Zbl 1395.76003]
Lefebvre, Matthieu; Chen, Yangkang; Lei, Wenjie; Luet, David; Ruan, Youyi; Bozdağ, Ebru; Hill, Judith; Komatitsch, Dimitri; Krischer, Lion; Peter, Daniel; Podhorszki, Norbert; Smith, James; Tromp, Jeroen, Data and workflow management for exascale global adjoint tomography, 279-306 [Zbl 1395.86003]
Van Straalen, Brian; Trebotich, David; Ovsyannikov, Andrey; Graves, Daniel T., Scalable structured adaptive mesh refinement with complex geometry, 307-318 [Zbl 1395.65064]
Jansen, Kenneth E.; Rasquin, Michel; Brown, Jed; Smith, Cameron; Shephard, Mark S.; Carothers, Chris, Extreme scale unstructured adaptive CFD for aerodynamic flow control, 315-344 [Zbl 1395.76002]
Joó, Bálint; Edwards, Robert G.; Winter, Frank T., Lattice quantum chromodynamics and chroma, 345-373 [Zbl 1395.81009]
Vincenti, Henri; Lobet, Mathieu; Lehe, Remi; Vay, Jean-Luc; Deslippe, Jack, PIC codes on the road to exascale architectures, 375-407 [Zbl 1395.82005]
Georganas, Evangelos; Hofmeyr, Steven; Oliker, Leonid; Egan, Rob; Rokhsar, Daniel; Buluc, Aydin; Yelick, Katherine, Extreme-scale De Novo Genome assembly, 409-430 [Zbl 1395.92005]
Baumeister, Paul F.; Bornemann, Marcel; Pleiter, Dirk; Zeller, Rudolf, Exascale scientific applications. Programming approaches for scalability, performance, and portability: KKRnano, 431-448 [Zbl 1396.65004]
Eisenbach, Markus; Wang, Yang, Real-space multiple-scattering theory and its applications at exascale, 449-460 [Zbl 1395.81008]
Benali, Anouar; Ceperley, David M.; D’Azevedo, Eduardo; Dewing, Mark; Kent, Paul R. C.; Kim, Jeongnim; Krogel, Jaron T.; Li, Ying Wai; Luo, Ye; McDaniel, Tyler; Morales, Miguel A.; Mathuriya, Amrita; Shulenburger, Luke; Tubman, Norm M., Development of QMCPACK for exascale scientific computing, 461-479 [Zbl 1395.81006]
Deslippe, Jack; da Jornada, Felipe H.; Vigil-Fowler, Derek; Barnes, Taylor; Kurth, Thorsten; Louie, Steven G., Preparing an excited-state materials application for exascale, 481-505 [Zbl 1395.82003]
Tang, William; Lin, Zhinhong, Global gyrokinetic particle-in-Cell simulation, 507-528 [Zbl 1395.82004]
D’Azevedo, Eduardo; Abbott, Stephen; Koskela, Tuomas; Worley, Patrick; Ku, Seung-Hoe; Ethier, Stephane; Yoon, Eisung; Shephard, Mark S.; Hager, Robert; Lang, Jianying; Choi, Jong; Podhorszki, Norbert; Klasky, Scott; Parashar, Manish; Chang, Choong-Seock, The fusion code XGC, 529-551 [Zbl 1395.82002]


00A71 General theory of mathematical modeling
00A72 General theory of simulation
00A69 General applied mathematics
00B15 Collections of articles of miscellaneous specific interest
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