
One-loop holographic Weyl anomaly in six dimensions. (English) Zbl 1384.83062

Summary: We compute \(\mathcal{O}(1) \) corrections to the holographic Weyl anomaly for sixdimensional \(\mathcal{N}=\left(1, 0\right) \) and (2, 0) theories using the functional Schrödinger method that is conjectured to work for supersymmetric theories on Ricci-flat backgrounds. We show that these corrections vanish for long representations of the \(\mathcal{N}=\left(1, 0\right) \) theory, and we obtain an expression for \(\delta(c-a)\) for short representations with maximum spin two. We also confirm that the one-loop corrections to the \(\mathcal{N}=\left(2, 0\right) \) M5-brane theory are equal and opposite to the anomaly for the free tensor multiplet. Finally, we discuss the possibility of extending the results to encompass multiplets with spins greater than two.


83E30 String and superstring theories in gravitational theory
81T40 Two-dimensional field theories, conformal field theories, etc. in quantum mechanics
81T50 Anomalies in quantum field theory


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