
High-fidelity simulations of bubble, droplet and spray formation in breaking waves. (English) Zbl 1381.76365

Summary: High-fidelity simulations of wave breaking processes are performed with a focus on the small-scale structures of breaking waves, such as bubble/droplet size distributions. Very large grids (up to 12 billion grid points) are used in order to resolve the bubbles/droplets in breaking waves at the scale of hundreds of micrometres. Wave breaking processes and spanwise three-dimensional interface structures are identified. It is speculated that the Görtler type centrifugal instability is likely more relevant to the plunging wave breaking instabilities. Detailed air entrainment and spray formation processes are shown. The bubble size distribution shows power-law scaling with two different slopes which are separated by the Hinze scale. The droplet size distribution also shows power-law scaling. The computational results compare well with the available experimental and computational data in the literature. Computational difficulties and challenges for large grid simulations are addressed.


76T10 Liquid-gas two-phase flows, bubbly flows




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