
Double field theory at SL(2) angles. (English) Zbl 1380.83281

Summary: An extended field theory is presented that captures the full SL(2) \(\times\) O(6, 6 + \(n\)) duality group of four-dimensional half-maximal supergravities. The theory has section constraints whose two inequivalent solutions correspond to minimal \(D =10\) supergravity and chiral half-maximal \(D =6\) supergravity, respectively coupled to vector and tensor multiplets. The relation with O(6, 6 + \(n\)) (heterotic) double field theory is thoroughly discussed. Non-abelian interactions as well as background fluxes are captured by a deformation of the generalised diffeomorphisms. Finally, making use of the SL(2) duality structure, it is shown how to generate gaugings with non-trivial de Roo-Wagemans angles via generalised Scherk-Schwarz ansätze. Such gaugings allow for moduli stabilisation including the SL(2) dilaton.


83E50 Supergravity
81T40 Two-dimensional field theories, conformal field theories, etc. in quantum mechanics


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