
Maximum independent sets on random regular graphs. (English) Zbl 1371.05261

Summary: We determine the asymptotics of the independence number of the random \(d\)-regular graph for all \({d\geq d_0}\). It is highly concentrated, with constant-order fluctuations around \({n\alpha_\ast-c_\ast\log n}\) for explicit constants \({\alpha_\ast(d)}\) and \({c_\ast(d)}\). Our proof rigorously confirms the one-step replica symmetry breaking heuristics for this problem, and we believe the techniques will be more broadly applicable to the study of other combinatorial properties of random graphs.


05C80 Random graphs (graph-theoretic aspects)
05C69 Vertex subsets with special properties (dominating sets, independent sets, cliques, etc.)
05C35 Extremal problems in graph theory


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