
On the estimation of parameters, survival functions, and hazard rates based on fuzzy life time data. (English) Zbl 1369.62276

Summary: Life time data analysis is regarded as one of the significant out-shoots of statistics. Classical statistical techniques reckon life time observations as precise numbers and solely cover variation among the observations. In fact, there are two types of uncertainty in data: variation among the observations and the fuzziness. To this effect, the analysis techniques, which do not consider fuzziness and are only based on precise life time observations, use incomplete information; hence lead to pseudo results. This study aimed at generalizing parameters estimation, survival functions, and hazard rates for fuzzy life time data.


62N86 Fuzziness, and survival analysis and censored data
62F10 Point estimation
62N02 Estimation in survival analysis and censored data
62N05 Reliability and life testing
62F86 Parametric inference and fuzziness
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