
Symmetry-driven decision diagrams for knowledge compilation. (English) Zbl 1366.68300

Schaub, Torsten (ed.) et al., ECAI 2014. 21st European conference on artificial intelligence, Prague, Czech Republic, August 18–22, 2014. Proceedings. Including proceedings of the accompanied concerence on prestigious applications of intelligent systems (PAIS 2014). Amsterdam: IOS Press (ISBN 978-1-61499-418-3/pbk; 978-1-61499-419-0/ebook). Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 263, 51-56 (2014).
Summary: In this paper, symmetries are exploited for achieving significant space savings in a knowledge compilation perspective. More precisely, the languages FBDD and DDG of decision diagrams are extended to the languages Sym-FBDD\(_{X,Y}\) and Sym-DDG\(_{X,Y}\) of symmetry-driven decision diagrams, where \(X\) is a set of “symmetry-free” variables and \(Y\) is a set of “top” variables. Both the time efficiency and the space efficiency of Sym-FBDD\(_{X,Y}\) and Sym-DDG\(_{X,Y}\) are analyzed, in order to put those languages in the knowledge compilation map for propositional representations. It turns out that each of Sym-FBDD\(_{X,Y}\) and Sym-DDG\(_{X,Y}\) satisfies CT (the model counting query). We prove that no propositional language over a set \(X\cup Y\) of variables, satisfying both CO (the consistency query) and CD (the conditioning transformation), is at least as succinct as any of Sym-FBDD\(_{X,Y}\) and Sym-DDG\(_{X,Y}\) unless the polynomial hierarchy collapses. The price to be paid is that only a restricted form of conditioning and a restricted form of forgetting are offered by Sym-FBDD\(_{X,Y}\) and Sym-DDG\(_{X,Y}\). Nevertheless, this proves sufficient for a number of applications, including configuration and planning. We describe a compiler targeting Sym-FBDD\(_{X,Y}\) and Sym-DDG\(_{X,Y}\) and give some experimental results on planning domains, highlighting the practical significance of these languages.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 1296.68011].


68T30 Knowledge representation