
Mechanics and mathematics of fluids of the differential type. (English) Zbl 1365.76001

Advances in Mechanics and Mathematics 35. Cham: Springer (ISBN 978-3-319-39329-2/hbk; 978-3-319-39330-8/ebook). viii, 394 p. (2016).
This book, written by well-known and respected mathematicians, presents the mechanics and mathematical analysis of the motion of a wide class of non-Newtonian fluids. The authors write in the first chapter “Introduction”: “The book is divided into two parts. While each part can be considered as being self-contained, the first is an introduction to non-Newtonian fluid mechanics in general and fluids of grades 2 an 3 in particular, and the second a discussion of mathematical and numerically oriented issues concerning the governing equations for such fluids.”
A variety non-Newtonian phenomena is introduced in the second chapter “Mechanics”. Let \(\rho(x,t)\) be the density of a fluid, \(v(x,t)=(v_1,v_2,v_3)\) is the velocity field, and \(p(x,t)\) the pressure. A flow of a fluid is governed by the continuity equation \[ \frac{\partial \rho}{\partial t}+\text{div}\,[\rho v]=0\tag{1} \] and the equation of balance of linear momentum \[ \rho \frac{d v}{dt}=\text{div}\,\mathbb{T}+\rho g,\tag{2} \] where \(\mathbb{T}\) is the Cauchy stress tensor, \(g\) is the specific body force, and \(\frac{d v}{dt}\) denotes the material time derivative.
For incompressible fluid \(\rho= \mathrm{const}\), the continuity equation becomes \[ \text{div}\, v=0.\tag{3} \] The type of a fluid is determined by the form of the stress tensor \(\mathbb{T}\). Fluids for which the stress tensor depends on the velocity gradient and on its various higher-time derivatives are called fluids of the differential type.
The velocity gradient \(\mathbb{L}\) and its symmetric part \(\mathbb{A}_1\) are defined by \[ \mathbb{L}=\left( \frac{\partial v_i}{\partial x_j} \right)_{ij},\quad \mathbb{A}_1= \mathbb{L}+\mathbb{L}^T. \] Tensors \(\mathbb{A}_n\) satisfy the recursive relations \[ \mathbb{A}_n=\frac{d }{dt}\mathbb{A}_{n-1}+\mathbb{A}_{n-1}\mathbb{L}+\mathbb{L}^T\mathbb{A}_{n-1}, \quad n=2,3,\dots \] The stress tensor for incompressible fluid of differential type of complexity \(n\) has the form \[ \mathbb{T}=-p\,\mathbb{I}+f(\mathbb{A}_1,\dots,\mathbb{A}_n), \] where \(\mathbb{I}\) is the identity tensor. So equation (2) is a nonlinear partial differential equation of order \(n+1\) for a fluid of complexity \(n\). The classical Navier-Stokes model is a fluid of grade \(1\).
Different aspects of non-Newtonian behavior are also discussed in Chapter 2. They are stress relaxation, nonlinear creep, shear-thinning and shear-thickening, and trixotropy. Boundary conditions for fluids of differential type are analyzed, in particular conditions on a free surface. A brief overview of mechanics of rate-type fluids and Bingham fluids is presented, too.
Mathematical tools are the subject of the short Chapter 3. Basic information on Sobolev and Hölder spaces and the main results for the Laplace and Stokes equations are also presented in this chapter.
Classical non-Newtonian fluids are studied in Chapter 4. The stress tensor \(\mathbb{T}\) in this chapter has the form \[ \mathbb{T}=-p\,\mathbb{I}+\varphi(D_2)\mathbb{D},\quad \mathbb{D}=\frac{1}{2}\mathbb{A}_1,\quad D_2=\frac{1}{2}| \mathbb{D} |^2, \] where \(| \cdot |\) denotes the Frobenius norm of matrix. The solution to the problem (2), (3) is constructed by the Galerkin method for the function \(\varphi\) of a certain class. Some important examples are considered.
The main results are outlined in Chapter 5 “Grade-two fluids: some theoretical results”. The stress tensor for such fluids has the form \[ \mathbb{T}=-p\,\mathbb{I}+\mu\mathbb{A}_1+\alpha_1\mathbb{A}_2+\alpha_2\mathbb{A}^2_1, \] where the viscosity \(\mu\) and the material moduli \(\alpha_1\) and \(\alpha_2\) are constant and satisfy \[ \mu\geq 0,\quad \alpha_1\geq 0,\quad \alpha_1+\alpha_2=0. \] The equation of motion (2) reads in this case with \(\rho=1\) \[ \begin{aligned} \frac{\partial }{\partial t}(v-\alpha_1\Delta v)-\mu\Delta v+\text{curl}\,(v-(2\alpha_1+\alpha_2)\Delta v)\times v \vphantom{\frac{\frac12}{\frac12}}\\ -(\alpha_1+\alpha_2)\Delta([\nabla v]v)+2(\alpha_1+\alpha_2)[\nabla(\Delta v)]v+\nabla \tilde p=f, \end{aligned} \] where \(\tilde p\) denotes \[ \tilde p:=p+\frac12| v |^2-(2\alpha_1+\alpha_2)(v\cdot\Delta v+\frac14| \mathbb{A}_1 |^2). \] The solution to the problem (2), (3) is constructed by the Galerkin method for different boundary conditions in a 3-D domain. The (global in time) existence and uniqueness of solutions are discussed. The steady and 2-D problems are also studied in this chapter.
A “Short survey on the theory of grade-three fluids” is presented in Chapter 6. The stress tensor for a grade-three fluid is \[ \mathbb{T}=-p\,\mathbb{I}+\mu\mathbb{A}_1+\alpha_1\mathbb{A}_2+\alpha_2\mathbb{A}^2_1+ \beta| \mathbb{A}_1 |^2 \mathbb{A}_1 , \] where \(\beta\geq 0\). The equation of motion (2) reads as \[ \begin{aligned} \frac{\partial }{\partial t}(v-\alpha_1\Delta v)-\mu\Delta v+\text{curl}\,(v-(2\alpha_1+\alpha_2)\Delta v)\times v \vphantom{\frac{\frac12}{\frac12}}\\ -(\alpha_1+\alpha_2)\Delta([\nabla v]v)+2(\alpha_1+\alpha_2)[\nabla(\Delta v)]v+ \beta\text{div}\,(| \mathbb{A}_1 |^2 \mathbb{A}_1 )+\nabla \tilde p=f. \end{aligned} \] The solution to the problem (2), (3) is constructed by the Galerkin method for the homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition. Time-dependent and steady-state problems are studied.
Korn’s inequality and the transport equation are considered in the “Appendix”.


76-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to fluid mechanics
76A05 Non-Newtonian fluids
76A10 Viscoelastic fluids
35Q35 PDEs in connection with fluid mechanics
35Q30 Navier-Stokes equations
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