
Ice-sheet dynamics. (English) Zbl 1359.76319

Davis, Stephen H. (ed.) et al., Annual review of fluid mechanics. Vol. 45. Palo Alto, CA: Annual Reviews (ISBN 978-0-8243-0745-5/hbk). Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 45, 217-239 (2013).
Summary: We describe the development of mathematical models of ice sheets, focusing on underlying physics and the minimal components that successful models must contain. Our review describes the basic fluid dynamical ice-flow models currently in use; points out numerous poorly understood thermomechanical feedbacks in ice flow; and describes the current, often poorly constrained, state of models for ice-sheet sliding and subglacial drainage, as well as their role in ice-stream dynamics. We conclude with a survey of marine ice-sheet models, outlining recent developments of self-consistent free-boundary models and ongoing research into three-dimensional marine ice sheets.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 1258.76021].


76T30 Three or more component flows
76A20 Thin fluid films
76-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to fluid mechanics
86A40 Glaciology