
RQL: a query language for rule discovery in databases. (English) Zbl 1356.68051

Summary: Promoting declarative approaches in data mining is a long standing theme, the main idea being to simplify as much as possible the way data analysts interact with their data. This paper goes into this direction by proposing a well-founded logical query language, Safe\(\mathcal{RL}\), allowing the expression of a wide variety of rules to be discovered against a database. By rules, we mean statements of the form “if \(\dots\) then \(\dots\)”, as defined in logics for “implications” between boolean variables. As a consequence, Safe\(\mathcal{RL}\) extends and generalizes functional dependencies to new and unexpected rules. We provide a query rewriting technique and a constructive proof of the main query equivalence theorem, leading to an efficient query processing technique. From Safe\(\mathcal{RL}\), we have devised RQL, a user-friendly SQL-like query language. We have shown how a tight integration can be performed on top of any relational database management system. Every RQL query turns out to be seen as a query processing problem, instead of a particular rule mining problem. This approach has been implemented and experimented on sensor network data. A web prototype has been released and is freely available (http://rql.insa-lyon.fr). Data analysts can upload a sample of their data, write their own RQL queries and get answers to know whether or not a rule holds (if not, a counterexample from the database is displayed) and much more.


68P15 Database theory
68T30 Knowledge representation


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