
Efficient implementation of the many-body reactive bond order (REBO) potential on GPU. (English) Zbl 1349.82031

Summary: The second generation Reactive Bond Order (REBO) empirical potential is commonly used to accurately model a wide range hydrocarbon materials. It is also extensible to other atom types and interactions. REBO potential assumes complex multi-body interaction model, that is difficult to represent efficiently in the SIMD or SIMT programming model. Hence, despite its importance, no efficient GPGPU implementation has been developed for this potential. Here we present a detailed description of a highly efficient GPGPU implementation of molecular dynamics algorithm using REBO potential. The presented algorithm takes advantage of rarely used properties of the SIMT architecture of a modern GPU to solve difficult synchronizations issues that arise in computations of multi-body potential. Techniques developed for this problem may be also used to achieve efficient solutions of different problems. The performance of proposed algorithm is assessed using a range of model systems. It is compared to highly optimized CPU implementation (both single core and OpenMP) available in LAMMPS package. These experiments show up to 6x improvement in forces computation time using single processor of the NVIDIA Tesla K80 compared to high end 16-core Intel Xeon processor.


82B80 Numerical methods in equilibrium statistical mechanics (MSC2010)
82B10 Quantum equilibrium statistical mechanics (general)
65Y10 Numerical algorithms for specific classes of architectures
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