
Linear-quadratic mean field games. (English) Zbl 1343.91010

Summary: We provide a comprehensive study of a general class of linear-quadratic mean field games. We adopt the adjoint equation approach to investigate the unique existence of their equilibrium strategies. Due to the linearity of the adjoint equations, the optimal mean field term satisfies a forward-backward ordinary differential equation. For the one-dimensional case, we establish the unique existence of the equilibrium strategy. For a dimension greater than one, by applying the Banach fixed point theorem under a suitable norm, a sufficient condition for the unique existence of the equilibrium strategy is provided, which is independent of the coefficients of controls in the underlying dynamics and is always satisfied whenever the coefficients of the mean field term are vanished, and hence, our theories include the classical linear-quadratic stochastic control problems as special cases. As a by-product, we also establish a neat and instructive sufficient condition, which is apparently absent in the literature and only depends on coefficients, for the unique existence of the solution for a class of nonsymmetric Riccati equations. Numerical examples of nonexistence of the equilibrium strategy will also be illustrated. Finally, a similar approach has been adopted to study the linear-quadratic mean field type stochastic control problems and their comparisons with mean field games.


91A16 Mean field games (aspects of game theory)
91A23 Differential games (aspects of game theory)
91A07 Games with infinitely many players
91A15 Stochastic games, stochastic differential games
49N10 Linear-quadratic optimal control problems
49N80 Mean field games and control
93E20 Optimal stochastic control


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