
A geometric method for model reduction of biochemical networks with polynomial rate functions. (English) Zbl 1342.92079

Summary: Model reduction of biochemical networks relies on the knowledge of slow and fast variables. We provide a geometric method, based on the Newton polytope, to identify slow variables of a biochemical network with polynomial rate functions. The gist of the method is the notion of tropical equilibration that provides approximate descriptions of slow invariant manifolds. Compared to extant numerical algorithms such as the intrinsic low-dimensional manifold method, our approach is symbolic and utilizes orders of magnitude instead of precise values of the model parameters. Application of this method to a large collection of biochemical network models supports the idea that the number of dynamical variables in minimal models of cell physiology can be small, in spite of the large number of molecular regulatory actors.


92C40 Biochemistry, molecular biology
92C45 Kinetics in biochemical problems (pharmacokinetics, enzyme kinetics, etc.)


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