
A genetic algorithm for task scheduling on heterogeneous computing systems using multiple priority queues. (English) Zbl 1341.68020

Summary: On parallel and distributed heterogeneous computing systems, a heuristic-based task scheduling algorithm typically consists of two phases: task prioritization and processor selection. In a heuristic based task scheduling algorithm, different prioritization will produce different makespan on a heterogeneous computing system. Therefore, a good scheduling algorithm should be able to efficiently assign a priority to each subtask depending on the resources needed to minimize makespan. In this paper, a task scheduling scheme on heterogeneous computing systems using a multiple priority queues genetic algorithm (MPQGA) is proposed. The basic idea of our approach is to exploit the advantages of both evolutionary-based and heuristic-based algorithms while avoiding their drawbacks. The proposedalgorithm incorporates a genetic algorithm (GA) approach to assign a priority to each subtask while using a heuristic-based earliest finish time (EFT) approach to search for a solution for the task-to-processor mapping. The MPQGA method also designs crossover, mutation, and fitness function suitable for the scenario of directed acyclic graph (DAG) scheduling. The experimental results for large-sized problems from a large set of randomly generated graphs as well as graphs of real-world problems with various characteristics show that the proposed MPQGA algorithm outperforms two non-evolutionary heuristics and a random search method in terms of schedule quality.


68M20 Performance evaluation, queueing, and scheduling in the context of computer systems
68T20 Problem solving in the context of artificial intelligence (heuristics, search strategies, etc.)


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