
Decay of correlations for maps with uniformly contracting fibers and logarithm law for singular hyperbolic attractors. (English) Zbl 1337.37019

Math. Z. 276, No. 3-4, 1001-1048 (2014); erratum ibid. 282, No. 1-2, 615-621 (2016).
The paper is devoted to investigation of the statistical properties of skew-product dynamical systems \(F:[0,1]^2\circlearrowleft\) of the form \(F(x,y)=(T(x), G(x,y))\) with the following properties:
\(F\) is uniformly contracting on each fiber of the natural vertical foliation of the square \([0,1]^2\);
\(G\) has bounded variation in one direction;
\(T:[0,1]\circlearrowleft\) is piecewise monotonic with finite \(C^1\) increasing branches and \(\inf_{x\in[0,1]}| T'(x)|>1\), and \(1/T'\) has finite universal \(p\)-bounded variation;
\(T\) is weakly mixing under unique a.c.i.m.
For such systems the authors prove the existence of a unique physical measure with exponential decay of correlations with respect to Lipschitz observables. Then this result is applied to suitable Poincaré maps of singular hyperbolic (Lorenz-like) flows to deduce exponential decay of correlations and logarithm law for the hitting times to small targets.
See also the erratum to this paper in [ibid. 282, No. 1–2, 615–621 (2016; Zbl 06538600)].


37C10 Dynamics induced by flows and semiflows
37C45 Dimension theory of smooth dynamical systems
37C40 Smooth ergodic theory, invariant measures for smooth dynamical systems
37D30 Partially hyperbolic systems and dominated splittings
37D25 Nonuniformly hyperbolic systems (Lyapunov exponents, Pesin theory, etc.)


Zbl 06538600


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