
Effectiveness of Demailly’s strong openness conjecture and related problems. (English) Zbl 1333.32014

The aim of this paper is to prove effectiveness results concerning the strong openness conjecture, the lower semicontinuity of plurisubharmonic functions with multiplier and conjectures of Demailly-Kollár and Jonsson-Mustată.
The Strong openness conjecture posed by J.-P. Demailly [Analytic methods in algebraic geometry. Surveys of Modern Mathematics 1. Somerville, MA: International Press; Beijing: Higher Education Press (2012; Zbl 1271.14001)] is the following: Let \(\varphi\) be a plurisubharmonic function on a complex manifold \(X\), then \[ \mathcal I(\varphi)=\mathcal I_{+}(\varphi):=\bigcup_{\epsilon >0}\mathcal I((1+\epsilon)\varphi), \] where \(\mathcal I(\varphi)\) is the sheaf of germs of holomorphic functions \(f\) such that \(|f|^2e^{-\varphi}\) is locally integrable.
If \(\mathcal I(\varphi)=\mathcal O_X\), then the strong openness conjecture degenerates to the openness conjecture posed by J.-P. Demailly and J. Kollár [Ann. Sci. Éc. Norm. Supér. (4) 34, No. 4, 525–556 (2001; Zbl 0994.32021)].
Let \(D\) be a pseudoconvex domain in \(\mathbb C^n\), \(z_0\in D\). Let \(\varphi\) be a negative plurisubharmonic function on \(D\), and let \(F\) be a holomorphic function on \(D\). Let \[ ||f||_{\varphi}:=\left (\int_D|F|^2e^{-\varphi }d\lambda_n\right)^{\frac 12}, \] where \(\lambda_n\) is the Lebesgue measure in \(\mathbb C^n\), and define the generalized Bergmann kernel as follows
\[ K_{\varphi,F}(z_0):=\left(\inf\Big\{||G||^2_0: G\in \mathcal O(D), (G-F,z_0)\in \mathcal I_{+}(2c_{z_0}^F(\varphi)\varphi)_{z_0} \Big\}\right)^{-1}, \] where
\[ c^F_{z_0}(\varphi):=\sup\big\{c\geq 0: |F|^2e^{-2c\varphi} \text{ is integrable on a neighborhood of } z_0\big\} \]
is the jumping number. Define also the following function \(\theta :(1,\infty)\to \mathbb R\):
\[ \theta(t)=\left (\frac {1}{(t-1)(2t-1)}\right)^{\frac 1t}. \]
The authors establish the following effectiveness of the strong openness conjecture. Let a holomorphic function \(F\) and a negative plurisubharmonic function \(\varphi\) be such that \(||F||_{\varphi}^2\leq C_1\) and \(K_{\varphi,F}^{-1}\geq C_2\), where \(C_1, C_2\) are two positive constants. Then, for any \(p>1\) satisfying \(\theta(p)>\frac {C_1}{C_2}\), one has \((F,z_0)\in \mathcal I(p\varphi)_{z_0}\).
The above result gives a new proof of the strong openness conjecture and gives (for \(F=1\)) a more precise version of the effectiveness result for the openness conjecture of B. Berndtsson [“The openness conjecture for plurisubharmonic functions”, Preprint, arXiv:1305.5781].
A lower semicontinuity property of plurisubharmonic functions with multiplier.
Demailly and Kollár conjectured in [loc. cit.] that, if \(X\) is a complex manifold, \(K\) a compact set and \(L\) an open set such that \(K\subset L\subset X\), then, for every nonzero function \(f\in \mathcal O(X)\), there exists a constant \(\delta=\delta(f,K,L)\) such that, for any \(g\in \mathcal O(X)\),
\[ \sup_L|g-f|<\delta \Rightarrow c_K(\log|g|)\geq c_K(\log |f|), \]
\[ c_K(\varphi)=\sup\big\{c\geq 0: e^{-2c\varphi} \text{ is integrable on a neighborhood of } K\big\}. \]
Using the idea from their paper [“Strong openness conjecture and related problems for plurisubharmonic functions”, Preprint, arXiv:1401.7158], the authors prove the following lower semicontinuity property of plurisubharmonic functions with a multiplier. Let \(\{\phi_m\}_{m=1}^{\infty}\) be a sequence of negative plurisubharmonic functions on the polidisc \(\Delta^n\), which is convergent to a negative Lebesgue measurable function \(\phi\) on \(\Delta^n\), in Lebesgue measure. Let \(\{F_m\}_{m=1}^{\infty}\) be a sequence of holomorphic functions on \(\Delta^n\) with uniform bound, which is convergent to a Lebesgue measurable function \(F\) on \(\Delta^n\), in Lebesgue measure. If, for any neighborhood U of \(0\), the pairs \((F_m,\phi_m)\) satisfy \(\inf_{m}K^{-1}_{\phi_m,F_m}(0)>0\), then \(|f|^2e^{-\phi}\) is not integrable near \(0\). In particular, if \(\phi\) is plurisubharmonic and \(F\) is holomorphic, then \((F,0)\notin \mathcal I(\phi)_0\).
Demailly and Kollár posed in [loc. cit.] the following conjecture: Let \(\varphi\) be a plurisubharmonic function on \(\Delta^n\), and let \(K\) be a compact subset of \(\Delta^n\). If \(c_K(\varphi)<\infty\), then \[ \frac{\lambda_n(\{\varphi<\log r\})}{r^{2c_K(\varphi)}} \tag{*} \] has a uniform positive lower bound independent of \(r\in (0,1)\) small enough.
Using the idea from [loc. cit.], the authors prove the following effectiveness of the positive lower bound of (*). Let \(B_0\in (0,1]\), let \(\varphi\) be a negative plurisubharmonic function on a pseudoconvex domain \(D\subset \mathbb C^n\), and let \(F\in \mathcal O(D)\). If \(|F|^2e^{-\varphi}\) is not locally integrable near \(z_0\in D\), then \[ \liminf_{R\to \infty}\frac 1{B_0}\int_D\mathbb I_{\{-(R+B_0)<\varphi<-R\}}|F|^2e^{t_0+B_0}d\lambda_n\geq K^{-1}_{\varphi,F}(z_0). \] In particular if \(F=1\), then \[ \liminf_{R\to \infty}e^{R+B_0}\frac {\lambda_n(\{-(R+B_0)<\varphi<-R\})}{B_0}\geq K^{-1}_{\varphi,1}(z_0)\geq K^{-1}(z_0). \]
M. Jonsson and M. Mustată [J. Inst. Math. Jussieu 13, No. 1, 119–144 (2014; Zbl 1314.32047)] posed the following conjecture: Let \(\psi\) be a plurisubharmonic function on \(\Delta^n\), and let \(I\) be an ideal of \(\mathcal O_{\Delta^n,0}\), generated by \(\{f_j\}_{j=1}^l\). If \(c_0^I(\psi)<\infty\), then \[ \frac {\lambda_n(\{c_0^I(\psi)\psi-\log |I|<\log r\})}{r^2} \tag{**} \] has a uniform positive lower bound independent of \(r\in (0,1)\) small enough, where \(\log |I|=\log (\max _{1\leq j\leq l}|f_j|)\) and \[ c^I_{z_0}(\varphi):=\sup\big\{c\geq 0: |I|^2e^{-2c\varphi} \text{ is integrable on a neighborhood of } 0\big\} \]
is the jumping number.
Using the idea from [loc. cit.], the authors prove the following effectiveness of the positive lower bound of (**). Let \(\delta \in \mathbb N\), let \(\psi\) be a plurisubharmonic function on a pseudoconvex domain \(D\subset \mathbb C^n\) bounded from above, and let \(F\in \mathcal O(D)\). If \(|F|^2e^{-\psi}\) is not locally integrable near \(z_0\in D\), then
\[ \liminf_{R\to \infty} \frac {e^R}{B_0}\lambda_n\Big(\big\{-R-B_0<\psi-\log|F|^2<-R\big\}\Big)\geq \frac {K^{-1}_{\psi+\delta\max (\psi, 2\log |F|), F^{1+\delta}}(z_0)}{(1+\frac 1{\delta})e^{B_0}\sup_De^{(1+\delta)\max(\psi,2\log |F|)}}. \]


32D15 Continuation of analytic objects in several complex variables
32E10 Stein spaces
32L10 Sheaves and cohomology of sections of holomorphic vector bundles, general results
32U05 Plurisubharmonic functions and generalizations
32W05 \(\overline\partial\) and \(\overline\partial\)-Neumann operators


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