
Long time average of mean field games with a nonlocal coupling. (English) Zbl 1332.35364

A mean field game system of the form \[ -u_t^T-\Delta u^T+\frac{1}{2}|Du^T|^2=F(x,m^T(t)), \]
\[ m_t^T-\Delta m^T - \operatorname{div}(m^TDu^T)=0, \]
\[ m^T(0)=m_0,\quad u^T(T)=u_f \] is considered. Here, \(u^T\) and \(m^T\), defined on \([0,T]\times \mathbb R^d\), are the scalar unknowns, \(F\) is a coupling between two equations, \(m^T=m^T(t,x)\) is the probability density of the populations of players, \(u^T\) is the value function. Earlier, the convergence of the above system with a local coupling \(F=\tilde F(x,m^T(t,x))\), \(\tilde F: \mathbb R^d\times\mathbb R\to\mathbb R\), has been analyzed. In this article, the authors investigate the case of the nonlocal coupling \(F: \mathbb R^d\times L^1_{\sharp}(\mathbb R^d)\to\mathbb R\), where \( L^1_{\sharp}(\mathbb R^d)\) is the space of locally integrable periodic maps, under certain assumptions such as monotonicity, regularity, and continuity conditions.
Using the uniform Lipschitz continuity property of the map \(u^T(t,\cdot)\) and the regularizing of the equations, the authors prove that the solution \((u^T,m^T)\) of the mean field game system converges to the solution \((\overline{u},\overline{m})\) of the ergodic problem \[ \overline{\lambda}-\Delta\overline{u}+\dfrac{1}{2}|D\overline{u}|^2=F(x,\overline{m}), \]
\[ -\Delta \overline{m}-\operatorname{div}(\overline{m}D\overline{u})=0, \]
\[ \int_{Q}\overline udx=0,\quad \int_{Q}\overline mdx=1 \] as \(T\to\infty\), where \(\overline\lambda\) is the ergodic constant, \(\overline{u}\), \(\overline{m}\) are defined on \(\mathbb R^d\).
The exponential convergence rates for small initial conditions and for general data are also established.


35Q91 PDEs in connection with game theory, economics, social and behavioral sciences
35B40 Asymptotic behavior of solutions to PDEs
35K55 Nonlinear parabolic equations
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