
Managing risk and disruption in production-inventory and supply chain systems: a review. (English) Zbl 1331.90006

Summary: This paper presents a literature review on risk and disruption management in production-inventory and supply chain systems. The review is conducted on the basis of comparing various works published in this research domain, specifically the papers, which considered real-life risk factors, such as imperfect production processes, risk and disruption in production, supply, demand, and transportation, while developing models for production-inventory and supply chain systems. Emphasis is given on the assumptions and the types of problems considered in the published research. We also focus on reviewing the mathematical models and the solution approaches used in solving the models using both hypothetical and real-world problem scenarios. Finally, the literature review is summarized and future research directions are discussed.


90B05 Inventory, storage, reservoirs
90B06 Transportation, logistics and supply chain management
90B30 Production models


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