
\(A_\infty\)-persistence. (English) Zbl 1330.55008

This paper introduces the notion of \(A_{\infty}\)-persistence in the homology of a filtration of a topological space. An \(A_{\infty}\)-coalgebra structure on a graded module \(M\) is given by a sequence of morphisms: \[ \Delta_{n} : M \longrightarrow M ^{\otimes n} \] of degree \(n-2\) satisfying certain relationships. In particular \(\Delta_{1}\) should be a differential on \(M\). This structure for the homology of a topological space carries information beyond that carried by the Betti numbers.
Given a finite sequence of maps between topological spaces \[ K_{0} \rightarrow K_{1} \rightarrow \ldots \rightarrow K_{N} \] the authors define the \(p\)th \(\Delta_{n}\)-persistent groups between \(K_{i}\) and \(K_{j}\). The authors show how to assign to the filtration a canonical code of bars which effectively computes its \(\Delta_{n}\)-persistence.


55N35 Other homology theories in algebraic topology
18D99 Categorical structures
57T99 Homology and homotopy of topological groups and related structures


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