
Chaos in air bubble formation. (English) Zbl 1329.76005

Boccaletti, S. (ed.) et al., Space-time chaos. Characterization, control and synchronization. Proceedings of the interdisciplinary school, Pamplona, Spain, June 19–23, 2000. Singapore: World Scientific (ISBN 981-02-4506-8/hbk). 79-86 (2001).
Summary: We reported experimental results of air bubble formation, in a submerged nozzle in a glycerol/water solution inside a cylindrical tube, as a function of the solution viscosity, of the air flow rate as well as a function of sound waves tuned to the air column above the solution. We observed routes to chaos via period doubling. The main features of chaotic systems occurred for bubbling in viscous fluids due to the stability of the bubble envelope. In a period 4 behavior we also observed the occurrence of anti-bubbles.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 0964.00040].


76-05 Experimental work for problems pertaining to fluid mechanics
76T10 Liquid-gas two-phase flows, bubbly flows