
Finite parabolic conjugation on varieties of nilpotent matrices. (English) Zbl 1327.14258

Let \({\mathcal N}_n^{(x)}\) be the closed variety of \(n\times n\) complex \(x\)-nilpotent matrices; \({\mathcal N}_n^{(x)}\) consists of all matrices \(N\) with the property \(N^x=0\). The paper under review studies the action by conjugation of an arbitrary upper-block parabolic subgroup \(P\) of the general linear group \(\mathrm{GL}_n({\mathbb C})\). This action is translated to a representation-theoretic context. As a result the author obtains a criterion whether the action admits a finite number of orbits. For 2-nilpotent matrices a system of representatives of the finite number of orbits is obtained and a set-theoretic description of their closures is presented. The action of the Borel subgroup is studied in more detail when the minimal degenerations are specified. Further, the author clarifies the finite case of a maximal parabolic action on 3-nilpotent matrices. Finally, she proves that in all non-finite cases, the corresponding quiver algebra is of wild representation type.


14R20 Group actions on affine varieties
16G20 Representations of quivers and partially ordered sets
16G60 Representation type (finite, tame, wild, etc.) of associative algebras
16W22 Actions of groups and semigroups; invariant theory (associative rings and algebras)


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