
Improving strategies via SMT solving. (English) Zbl 1326.68093

Barthe, Gilles (ed.), Programming languages and systems. 20th European symposium on programming, ESOP 2011, held as part of the joint European conferences on theory and practice of software, ETAPS 2011, Saarbrücken, Germany, March 26 – April 3, 2011. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 978-3-642-19717-8/pbk). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6602, 236-255 (2011).
Summary: We consider the problem of computing numerical invariants of programs by abstract interpretation. Our method eschews two traditional sources of imprecision: (i) the use of widening operators for enforcing convergence within a finite number of iterations (ii) the use of merge operations (often, convex hulls) at the merge points of the control flow graph. It instead computes the least inductive invariant expressible in the domain at a restricted set of program points, and analyzes the rest of the code en bloc. We emphasize that we compute this inductive invariant precisely. For that we extend the strategy improvement algorithm of T. Gawlitza and H. Seidl [Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 4646, 23–40 (2007; Zbl 1179.68037)]. If we applied their method directly, we would have to solve an exponentially sized system of abstract semantic equations, resulting in memory exhaustion. Instead, we keep the system implicit and discover strategy improvements using SAT modulo real linear arithmetic (SMT). For evaluating strategies we use linear programming. Our algorithm has low polynomial space complexity and performs for contrived examples in the worst case exponentially many strategy improvement steps; this is unsurprising, since we show that the associated abstract reachability problem is \(\Pi _{2} ^{\mathrm {P}}\)-complete.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 1213.68027].


68N30 Mathematical aspects of software engineering (specification, verification, metrics, requirements, etc.)


Zbl 1179.68037


ASTREE; Aspic; Yices


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