
Base sizes for \(\mathcal S\)-actions of finite classical groups. (English) Zbl 1321.20002

Authors’ summary: Let \(G\) be a permutation group on a set \(\Omega\). A subset \(B\) of \(\Omega\) is a base for \(G\) if the pointwise stabilizer of \(B\) in \(G\) is trivial; the base size of \(G\) is the minimal cardinality of a base for \(G\), denoted by \(b(G)\). In this paper we calculate the base size of every primitive almost simple classical group with point stabilizer in Aschbacher’s collection \(\mathcal S\) of irreducibly embedded almost simple subgroups. In this situation we also establish strong asymptotic results on the probability that randomly chosen subsets of \(\Omega\) form a base for \(G\). Indeed, with some specific exceptions, we show that almost all pairs of points in \(\Omega\) are bases.


20B15 Primitive groups
20G40 Linear algebraic groups over finite fields
20P05 Probabilistic methods in group theory
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