
Numerical methods for evolution hemivariational inequalities. (English) Zbl 1319.49010

Han, Weimin (ed.) et al., Advances in variational and hemivariational inequalities. Theory, numerical analysis, and applications. Cham: Springer (ISBN 978-3-319-14489-4/hbk; 978-3-319-14490-0/ebook). Advances in Mechanics and Mathematics 33, 111-144 (2015).
Summary: We consider numerical methods of solving evolution subdifferential inclusions of nonmonotone type. In the main part of the chapter we apply the Rothe method for a class of second order problems. The method consists in constructing a sequence of piecewise constant and piecewise linear functions being a solution of an approximate problem. Our main result provides a weak convergence of a subsequence to a solution of the exact problem. Under some more restrictive assumptions we obtain also uniqueness of the exact solution and a strong convergence result. Next, for the reference class of problems we apply a semidiscrete Faedo-Galerkin method as well as a fully discrete one. For both methods we present a result on optimal error estimates.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 1309.49002].


49J40 Variational inequalities
65K15 Numerical methods for variational inequalities and related problems
49J52 Nonsmooth analysis
47J20 Variational and other types of inequalities involving nonlinear operators (general)
47J22 Variational and other types of inclusions
35L85 Unilateral problems for linear hyperbolic equations and variational inequalities with linear hyperbolic operators
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