
A property of the generalized proportional hazards model. (English) Zbl 1318.62289

Summary: The generalized proportional hazards model proposed by E. A. Peña and V. K. Rohatgi [J. Stat. Plann. Inference 22, No. 3, 371–389 (1989; Zbl 0671.62103)] assumed that \(X\) and \((Y, \beta)\) are independent and \(\overline{G}(t)=E_B[\overline{F}(t)]^\beta\) where \(X\) and \(Y\) are two competing lifetimes with continuous survival functions \(\overline{F}(t)\) and \(\overline{G}(t)\) respectively, and \(\beta\) is a nonnegative random variable with \(B(b)=P[\beta\leq b]\). When \(B(b)\) is uniquely determined by an unknown parameter \(\theta\) with a mild condition, they used \(n\) independent and identically distributed observations \((Z_i, \delta_i)^n_{i=1}\) taken from \(Z=\text{min}(X,Y)\) and \(\delta=I(X\leq Y)\) to investigate estimators of \(\overline{F}(t)\) and \(\theta\) and their large sample properties. In this paper, we show that \(m(t)=P[\delta=1|Z>t]\) is nondecreasing in \(t\) under the generalized proportional hazards model. As a consequence, we obtain that the odds ratio or the cross-product ratio \(OR(t)=P_{11}(t)P_{00}(t)/[P_{10}(t)P_{01}(t)]\geq 1\) under the generalized proportional hazards model, where \(P_{ij}(t)=P[I(Z>t)=i, \delta =j]\) for \(i, j=0,1\). We use this property to develop a method of testing to determine when the generalized proportional hazards model is inappropriate for a data set. A similar result for the proportional odds ratio model that assumes the random variable \(\beta\) has a geometric distribution with the parameter \(\theta\) is also obtained. The result is also illustrated by an example.


62N01 Censored data models
62N03 Testing in survival analysis and censored data
62G10 Nonparametric hypothesis testing
62N05 Reliability and life testing
62P10 Applications of statistics to biology and medical sciences; meta analysis


Zbl 0671.62103