
Degenerating Riemann surfaces and the Quillen metric. (English) Zbl 1314.30087

Summary: The degeneration of the Quillen metric for a one-parameter family of Riemann surfaces has been studied by Bismut-Bost and Yoshikawa. In this article, we propose a more geometric point of view using Deligne’s Riemann-Roch theorem. We obtain an interpretation of the singular part of the metric as a discriminant and the continuous part as a degeneration of the metric on Deligne products, which gives an asymptotic development involving the monodromy eigenvalues. This generalizes the results of Bismut-Bost and is a version of Yoshikawa’s results on the degeneration of the Quillen metric for general degenerations with isolated singularities in the central fiber.


30F99 Riemann surfaces