
The large-scale evolution by generating new genes from gene duplication; similarity and difference between monoploid and diploid organisms. (English) Zbl 1307.92292

Summary: On the basis of the concept of biological activity, the large-scale evolution by generating new genes from gene duplication is theoretically compared between the monoploid organism and the diploid organism. The comparison is carried out not only for the process of generating one new gene but also for the process of generating two or more kinds of new genes from successive gene duplication. This comparison reveals the following difference in evolutionary pattern between the monoploids and diploids. The monoploid organism is more suitable to generate one or two new genes step by step but its successive gene duplication is obliged to generate smaller sizes of genes by the severer lowering of biological activity or self-reproducing rate. This is consistent with the evolutionary pattern of prokaryotes having steadily developed chemical syntheses, \(\mathrm O_2\)-releasing photosynthesis and \(\mathrm O_2\)-respiration in the respective lineages. On the other hand, the diploid organism with the plural number of homologous chromosome pairs has a chance to get together many kinds of new genes by the hybridization of variants having experienced different origins of gene duplication. Although this strategy of hybridization avoids the severe lowering of biological activity, it takes the longer time to establish the homozygotes of the more kinds of new genes. During this long period, furthermore different types of variants are accumulated in the population, and their successive hybridization sometimes yields various styles of new organisms. This evolutionary pattern explains the explosive divergence of body plans that has occasionally occurred in the diploid organisms, because the cell differentiation is a representative character exhibited by many kinds of genes and its evolution to the higher hierarchy constructs body plans.


92D10 Genetics and epigenetics
92D15 Problems related to evolution
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