
An Eulerian-Lagrangian method for optimization problems governed by multidimensional nonlinear hyperbolic PDEs. (English) Zbl 1306.49047

Summary: We present a numerical method for solving tracking-type optimal control problems subject to scalar nonlinear hyperbolic balance laws in one and two space dimensions. Our approach is based on the formal optimality system and requires numerical solutions of the hyperbolic balance law forward in time and its nonconservative adjoint equation backward in time. To this end, we develop a hybrid method, which utilizes advantages of both the Eulerian finite-volume central-upwind scheme (for solving the balance law) and the Lagrangian discrete characteristics method (for solving the adjoint transport equation). Experimental convergence rates as well as numerical results for optimization problems with both linear and nonlinear constraints and a duct design problem are presented.


49M30 Other numerical methods in calculus of variations (MSC2010)
49M25 Discrete approximations in optimal control
49M05 Numerical methods based on necessary conditions
49K20 Optimality conditions for problems involving partial differential equations
49J20 Existence theories for optimal control problems involving partial differential equations
35L60 First-order nonlinear hyperbolic equations
65M08 Finite volume methods for initial value and initial-boundary value problems involving PDEs


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