
A support theorem for Hilbert schemes of planar curves. (English) Zbl 1303.14019

In the paper under review, the authors consider a family of integral plane curves and prove that if the relative Hilbert scheme of points is smooth, then the pushforward of the constant sheaf on the relative Hilbert scheme contains no summands other than the expected ones.
As a corollary, they show that the perverse filtration on the cohomology of the compactified Jacobian of an integral plane curve encodes the cohomology of all Hilbert schemes of points on the curve. An interesting consequence for the enumerative geometry of Calabi-Yau three-folds is also mentioned.


14C05 Parametrization (Chow and Hilbert schemes)
14H40 Jacobians, Prym varieties
14D15 Formal methods and deformations in algebraic geometry
14F43 Other algebro-geometric (co)homologies (e.g., intersection, equivariant, Lawson, Deligne (co)homologies)


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