
Rank function equations. (English) Zbl 1300.15007

Given a square matrix \(A\) of order \(n\), consider the notation \(r_A(m):=\mathrm{rank}\left(A^m\right)\), where \(m\) is a positive integer. This paper introduces the definition of rank function equations as being a system of equations of the form \[ f\left(r_{A_1}(m)\right)+\cdots+f\left(r_{A_k}(m)\right)=g\left(r_{B}(m)\right),\;\forall m\in S, \] where the unknowns are the square matrices \(A_1,\dots,A_k, B\) of order \(n\), \(f\) and \(g\) are functions over the positive integers and \(S\) is a set of positive integers. The nilpotent solutions of some particular rank function equations are found or characterized.


15A24 Matrix equations and identities
14M12 Determinantal varieties
15A03 Vector spaces, linear dependence, rank, lineability