
Representable tolerances in varieties. (English) Zbl 1299.08003

A tolerance on some algebra is a binary, compatible, symmetric and reflexive relation. Thus, a congruence is a transitive tolerance. The following two examples are important in this paper:
1) Suppose \(\mathfrak A\), \(\mathfrak B\) are algebras, and \(\varphi \colon {\mathfrak B}\to {\mathfrak A}\) is a surjective homomorphism. If \(\Psi\) is a tolerance on \(\mathfrak B\), then \[ \varphi(\Psi)=\{(\varphi a, \varphi b)\mid a\Psi b,\;a,b\in B\} \] is a tolerance on \(\mathfrak A\) and \(\varphi(\Psi)\) is called the homomorphic image of the tolerance \(\Psi\). So the homomorphic image of a congruence is a tolerance, but, in general, it is not a congruence. It is known that every tolerance \(\Theta\) on any algebra \(\mathfrak A\) can be represented as a homomorphic image of some congruence on some algebra \(\mathfrak B\).
2) Suppose \(\mathfrak A\) is an algebra, and \(R\) is a compatible reflexive relation on \(\mathfrak A\). If \(R^{-1}\) denotes the converse of \(R\), then \(R\circ R^{-1}\) is a tolerance on \(\mathfrak A\). A tolerance is called representable if it can be expressed in the form \(R\circ R^{-1}\) for some \(R\). In this paper the following results are proved:
a) If \(\mathfrak L\) is a lattice and \(\Theta\) is a tolerance on \(\mathfrak L\), then \(\Theta\) is the homomorphic image of some congruence on some subalgebra of \({\mathfrak L}\times {\mathfrak L}\). b) If a tolerance \(\Theta\) on \(\mathfrak A\) is representable, then \(\Theta\) is the homomorphic image of a congruence on some subalgebra of \({\mathfrak A}\times {\mathfrak A}\). c) Suppose \(\mathfrak A\) is an algebra in a 3-permutable variety \(\mathfrak V\). If \(\Theta\) is a tolerance on \(\mathfrak A\), then \(\Theta\) is representable if and only if \(\Theta\) is a congruence of \(\mathfrak A\). Some generalizations of the mentioned results are considered, too.


08A30 Subalgebras, congruence relations
06B10 Lattice ideals, congruence relations
08C15 Quasivarieties
06B20 Varieties of lattices
06B75 Generalizations of lattices
06B05 Structure theory of lattices
06A06 Partial orders, general