
Dissipative cylindrical collapse of charged anisotropic fluid. (English) Zbl 1298.83081

Summary: We have studied the dynamics of a cylindrical column of anisotropic, charged fluid which is experiencing dissipation in the form of heat flow, free-streaming radiation, and shearing viscosity, undergoing gravitational collapse. We calculate the Einstein-Maxwell field equations and, using the Darmois junction conditions, match the interior non-static cylindrically symmetric space-time with the exterior anisotropic, charged, cylindrically symmetric space-time. The behavior of the density, pressure and luminosity of the collapsing matter has been analyzed. From the dynamical equations, the effect of charge and dissipative quantities over the cylindrical collapse are studied. Finally, we have derived the solutions for the collapsing matter which is valid during the later stages of collapse and have discussed the significance from a physical standpoint.


83C57 Black holes


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