
Prioritization of pavement stretches using fuzzy MCDM approach – a case study. (English) Zbl 1278.90235

Saad, Ashraf (ed.) et al., Soft computing in industrial applications. Recent and emerging methods and techniques. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 978-3-540-70704-2/pbk). Advances in Soft Computing 39, 265-278 (2007).
Summary: Effective pavement management requires the prioritization of the road stretches for logical disbursement of the funds available towards maintenance of the pavement. Several methods have been developed and implemented towards this goal. However, the uncertainty involved with some of the parameters has not been addressed adequately in most of the works. One such parameter has been identified as the severity of distress which is difficult to assess accurately. Hence a fuzzy multi criteria decision making (FMCDM) approach has been proposed in this paper. For demonstration of the approach, pavement distresses with respect to their extent and severity have been collected over a number of stretches. In addition, an expert opinion survey has been carried out to quantify the influence of these parameters on the functional condition of the pavement. Priority index has been worked out, based on which the ranking of the stretches has been arrived at.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 1115.93002].


90B90 Case-oriented studies in operations research
90B50 Management decision making, including multiple objectives
90C70 Fuzzy and other nonstochastic uncertainty mathematical programming
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