
From particle systems to the Landau equation: a consistency result. (English) Zbl 1273.35281

The purpose of this paper is to study the problem of deriving the Landau equation as a limit for large \(N\) of an \(N\)-particle system. The Landau equation under consideration is \[ (\partial_t + v\cdot \nabla_x)f = Q_L(f,f), \] where \(f(x,v,t\) is the one particle distribution, \(x \in \mathbb R^3,\; v \in \mathbb R^3\), and \(t \geq 0\) is time. The operator \(Q_L(f,f)\) is the Landau collision operator for Coulomb interaction. The paper begins an analysis and obtains some preliminary results on the weak-coupling limit for a Hamiltonian particle system.
It is assumed that the number of particles, \(N\), is very large, \(N=1/\epsilon^3\), and the interaction strength rather moderate. After a scaling in terms of \(\epsilon\) the particle system is given by \[ \frac{d}{dt} x_i=v_i,\;\; \frac{d}{dt} v_i = -\frac{1}{\sqrt{\epsilon}} \sum_{^{j=1,N}_{j \neq i}} \nabla \phi(\frac{x_i-x_j}{\epsilon}), \] where \(\phi\) is a smooth two-body interaction potential. To obtain a statistical description of the system (1) let \({\mathbf X}_N = \{x_1,\ldots,x_N \},\; {\mathbf V}_N = \{v_1,\ldots,v_N \},\; x_i \in \mathbb R^3,\; v_i \in \mathbb R^3\), and \({\mathbf W}^N = {\mathbf W}^N({\mathbf X}_N,{\mathbf V}_N)\) be a symmetric probability distribution. The weak-coupling limit is obtained when \(\epsilon \rightarrow 0\), and this limit is investigated by introducing the BBKG hierarchy for the j-particle distribution denoted \(f_j^N(X_j,V_j)\) which is derived from \({\mathbf W}^N({\mathbf X}_N,{\mathbf V}_N)\). The initial value \(f_j^0\) is introduced, and the equation for \(f_j^N(t)\) is written in terms of a perturbation of the free flow \(S(t)\) defined as \((S(t)f_j)(X_j,V_j) = f_j(X_j-V_jt,V_j)\). The conjecture is made that \(f_j^N\) can be expressed as \(f_j^N = g_j^N + \gamma_j^N\) where \(g_j^N\) is the main part of \(f_j^N\) and \(\gamma_j^N\) is small and strongly oscillating. The quantities \(g_j^N\) and \(\gamma_j^N\) satisfy a coupled hierarchy of partial differential equations in which \(g_j^N,\gamma_j^N\) depend on \(g_{j+1}^N,\gamma_{j+1}^N\). By eliminating the function \(\gamma_j^N\) in these equations the authors arrive at a closed hierarchy of integro-differential equations for \(g_j^N\). These equations are written symbolically as \(g_j = S(t)f_j^0 + A_{j+1}g_{j+1}\), and are solved by an iterative scheme \( g_j^0 = S(t)f_j^0,\;\; g_j^{(n+1)} = S(t)f_j^0 + A_{j+1}g_{j+1}^{(n)}, \; n=0,1,\ldots. \) The goal is to show that \(g_1^{(1)}(t) = \tilde g_1^N(t)\) is consistent with the Landau equation. This result is proved in a theorem that states that given some conditions on \(f_0\) and the potential \(\phi\) then \[ \lim_{\epsilon \rightarrow 0} \tilde g_1^N(t) = S(t)f_0 + \int_0^t d\tau S(t-\tau) Q_L(S(\tau)f_0, S(\tau)f_0), \] and \(\lim_{\epsilon \rightarrow 0} \tilde\gamma_1^N = 0\). Thus in the weak-coupling limit the solution derived from the particle system shows a consistency with the corresponding solution to the Landau equation obtained as a perturbation of the free flow. The last section of this paper extends the result of this theorem to the \(j\)-marginal distribution and shows the propagation of chaos at the first order in time.


35Q99 Partial differential equations of mathematical physics and other areas of application
82D10 Statistical mechanics of plasmas
82D05 Statistical mechanics of gases


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