
Free gradient discontinuity and image inpainting. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1260.49025

J. Math. Sci., New York 181, No. 6, 805-819 (2012); translation from Zap. Nauchn. Semin. POMI 390, 92-116 (2011).
From the authors’ abstract/introduction: “In image restoration, the term ‘inpainting’ denotes the process of filling the missing information in subdomains where a given image is damaged: these domains may correspond to scratches in a camera picture, occlusion by objects, blotches in an old movie film, or aging of the canvas and colors in a painting.
In this paper, we face the inpainting problem for a monochromatic image with a variational approach: solving a Dirichlet-type problem for the main part of the Blake-Zisserman functional. So we introduce and study a formulation of the inpainting problem for two-dimensional images that are locally damaged. This formulation is based on the regularization of the solution of a second-order variational problem with Dirichlet boundary condition. A variational approximation algorithm is proposed.”


49K10 Optimality conditions for free problems in two or more independent variables
49K20 Optimality conditions for problems involving partial differential equations
49J45 Methods involving semicontinuity and convergence; relaxation
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