
Statistical mechanics of disordered systems. A mathematical perspective. Reprint of the 2006 hardback ed. (English) Zbl 1246.82001

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (ISBN 978-1-107-40533-2/pbk; 978-0-511-16664-8/ebook). xiv, 312 p. (2012).
See the review of the hardback edition (2006) in Zbl 1108.82002.


82-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to statistical mechanics
60K35 Interacting random processes; statistical mechanics type models; percolation theory
37L55 Infinite-dimensional random dynamical systems; stochastic equations
82B31 Stochastic methods applied to problems in equilibrium statistical mechanics
82B44 Disordered systems (random Ising models, random Schrödinger operators, etc.) in equilibrium statistical mechanics
82B20 Lattice systems (Ising, dimer, Potts, etc.) and systems on graphs arising in equilibrium statistical mechanics
82B05 Classical equilibrium statistical mechanics (general)


Zbl 1108.82002
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