
On Drinfeld’s DG quotient. (English) Zbl 1244.14002

The main aim of the paper is to give three different characterizations of Drinfeld’s DG quotient, a notion introduced by independently by Keller and Drinfeld in the theory of derived categories. Drinfeld’s DG quotient has found applications in fields as diverse as the theory of motives, the Langlands program, deformation theory, homotopy theory and symplectic geometry hence it is important to have a good definition of Drinfeld’s DG quotient and also to be able to characterize it by universal properties. In the main theorem of the paper, the author does this in the language of full sub dg categories, quasi functors and homotopy categories. It is thus phrased in a language general enough for application in all fields mentioned above. The paper is well written and should be accessible to a reader with knowledge in homological algebra and derived categories.


14A22 Noncommutative algebraic geometry
18D99 Categorical structures
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