
DrAmpl: A meta solver for optimization problem analysis. (English) Zbl 1243.90005

Summary: Optimization problems modeled in the AMPL modeling language may be examined by a set of tools found in the AMPL Solver Library. DrAmpl is a meta solver which, by use of the AMPL Solver Library, dissects such optimization problems, obtains statistics on their data, is able to symbolically prove or numerically disprove convexity of the functions involved and provides aid in the decision for an appropriate solver. A problem is associated with a number of relevant solvers available on the NEOS Server for Optimization by means of a relational database. We describe the need for such a tool, the design of DrAmpl and some of its consequences, and keep in mind that a similar tool could be developed for other algebraic modeling languages.


90-04 Software, source code, etc. for problems pertaining to operations research and mathematical programming
90C30 Nonlinear programming
90C35 Programming involving graphs or networks
68W30 Symbolic computation and algebraic computation
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