
Swap of information between two-end states in an open ferromagnetic spin chain. (English) Zbl 1228.81110

Summary: The bidirectional transfer of information can be realized in an open Heisenberg ferromagnetic spin chain. The information is encoded in the probability distributions of the states at two end spins. The relative entropy is used to evaluate the effective transmission of the probability. The evolution of the relative entropy shows a periodical behavior. The period is increased by increasing the length of the chain and the magnetic field while it decreases by increasing the coupling strength.


81P45 Quantum information, communication, networks (quantum-theoretic aspects)
82B20 Lattice systems (Ising, dimer, Potts, etc.) and systems on graphs arising in equilibrium statistical mechanics
94A17 Measures of information, entropy
82D40 Statistical mechanics of magnetic materials
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