
A general convergence analysis of some Newton-type methods for nonlinear inverse problems. (English) Zbl 1225.65061

The paper is concerned with the class of iterative methods
\[ x^{\delta}_{n+1}=x_n^{\delta}-g_{\alpha_n}(F^{\prime}(x_n^{\delta})^* F^{\prime}(x_n^{\delta}))F^{\prime}(x_n^{\delta})^*(F(x_n^{\delta})-y^{\delta}) \]
for solving nonlinear ill-posed problems \(F(x)=y\), \(\| y^{\delta}-y \| \leq \delta\), where \(F:X \to Y\) is a Fréchet differentiable operator between two Hilbert spaces. The iteration is terminated by the discrepancy principle
\[ \| F(x_{n_{\delta}}^{\delta})-y^{\delta}\| \leq \tau \delta< \| F(x_{n}^{\delta})-y^{\delta}\|, \quad 0 \leq n <n_{\delta},\;\tau>1. \]
Under certain conditions on \(\{ \alpha_n \}\) and the structural condition
\[ F^{\prime}(x)=R(x,{\overline x}) F^{\prime}({\overline x}),\quad\| I-R(x,{\overline x})\| \leq K_0 \| x-{\overline x}\| \]
on the operator \(F\), for a class of filter functions \(g_{\alpha_n}\) the convergence of \(x^{\delta}_{n_{\delta}}\) as \(\delta \to 0\) to the true solution is established. Under Hölder type source conditions, the order optimal rate of convergence estimates are derived.


65J15 Numerical solutions to equations with nonlinear operators
65J22 Numerical solution to inverse problems in abstract spaces
65J20 Numerical solutions of ill-posed problems in abstract spaces; regularization
47J06 Nonlinear ill-posed problems
47J25 Iterative procedures involving nonlinear operators